
Register for Afterschool Bowling


Kyle Belokopitsky, Bowling League Coordinator
Phone: (518) 817-3017

Register online here.

Payment will be collected on Tuesdays at bowling. Each child must pay weekly or for the whole session. Cash or checks made out to Hi-Way Recreation. If you would like to prepay for the whole season (10 sessions), you can receive one session free. There is no refund for missed sessions.

Kindergarten to Grade 2 League
Pick-up time – 4:00 p.m.
Games and shoe rental, per week: $7.00 (pre-pay full session – $63)

Grade 3-5 League
Pick-up time – 4:30 p.m.
Games and shoe rental, per week: $10.00 (pre-pay full session – $90)

Middle School League
Pick-up time – 5:15 p.m.
Games and shoe rental, per week: $10.00 (pre-pay full session – $90)

Children must be picked up at the bowling alley by an approved adult at the designated pick-up time. Upon confirmation of your child being enrolled in the program, you will provide approved adults for pick up.

Don’t wait to sign up at this program will max out quickly, as we can only transport 65 children from school to the bowling alley due to bus limitations.

Posted in District, Elementary School, Middle School.