Due to the ongoing pandemic, Wynantskill UFSD is unable to hold its annual High School Choice Fair. While we cannot have an in-person event where students can learn more about the high schools from which they can choose to attend, we still wanted to provide students with relevant information about those schools. The District will be holding live virtual discussions with each high school. Information on live virtual discussions is as follows:
Troy High School: Tuesday, November 17 at 2:30 p.m.
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/94483825643?pwd=N0x1UUVYazJ3blBqSHpGMFBEZzVDUT09
Meeting ID: 944 8382 5643
Passcode: 881846
Averill Park High School: Thursday, November 19 at 3:30 p.m.
Link to join: https://zoom.us/j/99822962406?pwd=ZjdINXpoNStUSjdvbWEzeXVwNzJSdz09
Meeting ID: 998 2296 2406
Passcode: 332592
Columbia High School: TBD
Tamarac High School: TBD
Tech Valley High School: TBD