As positive COVID-19 cases continue to rise nationally, state-wide and regionally, please be reminded that you must complete the Daily Health Screening Form for your child(ren) every morning before sending them to school for in-person instruction. Please submit the online screening form each morning, which is sent to a student’s primary contact via email. If you are not receiving the health screening via email, please contact the main office.
Please note that you will receive the form on weekends. You do not need to fill it out on weekends unless contacted to do so.
Each school community member must do their part to ensure our school environment remains safe. The daily health screening provides our school with pertinent, vital information that allows us to continue in-person learning.
Completing the daily health screening is not optional. This mandatory daily health screening is a state requirement to help ensure the health and safety of our school community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.