WTEN’s John Gray will be visiting Gardner-Dickinson to talk about his newest book for children of all ages, Sweet Polly Petals.
This is a fairy tale set, not in some far away mystical land but, in any town USA. The hero is a little girl named Polly who loves going to the park with her mother. One day she notices homeless people sleeping on the benches. When Polly asks her mother why they are there, her mother tells her that they are good people who have simply lost their way.
Polly offers to share her lunch with a homeless woman she has seen before. In exchange for her sweet gesture, the woman gives Polly a magic orchid that grants wishes. But there are two catches: you can’t wish for anything for yourself, and with each wish the flower loses a petal. When Polly realizes the orchid has only four wishes left, she sets out to help as many people as she can.
Sweet Polly Petals will teach children the virtue of helping those who are less fortunate, and has a surprise ending kids will love.
John will be presenting to PreK-3 in a live assembly on Wednesday, May 25 at 1:00.
If you’d like to order John’s book Sweet Polly Petals before the event, please send in the order form below with your payment by Thursday, April 28th. Checks may be made out to Wynantskill Union Free School District. John will sign all purchased copies of his book!
Please contact Katie Sheehan at ksheehan@wynantskillufsd.org if you have any questions!