We bid a fond farewell to Bob Hurd (“Mr. Hurd,” as the kids know him) – who will be retiring from Gardner-Dickinson as a recess monitor. Though he says he has loved every minute of his eight years at GD, he feels it is time to officially retire and enjoy some time for he and his wife. Asked what his favorite part of the job was, he replied, “The kids, and the staff.” He noted that he would like to return for a visit and read to the children. Farewell Bob! Thank you for everything – we wish you a happy and relaxing retirement!
Category Archives: Middle School
Change in Parent Pick-Up Procedure
-Parents who pick-up their student/s between 2:10 – 2:25 p.m. will do so in front of the school’s main entrance (the big loop).
-Parents who pick-up their student/s between 2:25 – 2:30 p.m. will continue to line up in the school parking lot.
Thank you for your patience!
Positive COVID-19 Case at Wynantskill UFSD
Dear Families,
The Wynantskill UFSD has learned today that a middle school student has tested positive for COVID-19.
We have been in close communication with the Rensselaer County Department of Health (RCDOH) to determine any necessary follow-up. The district is assisting the RCDOH with contact tracing efforts using attendance records. RCDOH is continuing to investigate at this time.
The county has advised the district to continue with its regular cleaning protocols. The district will perform an additional deep clean of the school as a precaution. The building will be open as normal.
We encourage you to offer your full cooperation if you are contacted by a representative of the RCDOH or the district. If you are not contacted by a representative of the RCDOH or the district, there is no further action needed on your part and you may continue your usual schedule. If, at any point, you or someone in your family is directed to quarantine, please respect what you are being asked to do in the interest of public health. People in quarantine need to stay home, separate themselves from others in the home, monitor their health and follow directions from the local health department.
Due to privacy laws, we cannot divulge any further information about the positive individual, and we ask that our families respect the positive individual’s privacy.
We ask that all families continue to follow all safety guidelines outside of school hours including proper use of face coverings, social distancing and proper hand hygiene.
Please monitor your child(ren) for any symptoms of COVID-19 and report any absences and positive COVID-19 test results to your child’s school.
Thank you all for your continued support and ongoing efforts to keep Wynantskill UFSD safe and healthy. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns.
Dr. Mary Yodis
Wynantskill UFSD Superintendent
Raise Money for GD Through Box Tops for Education App
Hey GD!
Use this referral code S1CY1CRP when you download the Box Tops for Education App and you’ll get 50 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 09/26/2021, while supplies last! Download the Box Tops for Education app here: https://btfe.smart.link/
You can raise funds for our school by using this App. It’s an easy way to make a difference. When you purchase Box Tops-participating products (like Cheerios!), all you have to do is scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Find the full list of participating products here.
Consider setting a weekly reminder to scan your receipts.
Thank you for getting easy money for our kids!!!
Letter Regarding Updates to School Opening
Dear Gardner-Dickinson Families,
I am excited to officially welcome you back to school as we kick off the 2021-22 school year. The children are back and settling in nicely, still with smiles on their faces (under those masks, of course).
Once again, we are opening another year in the middle of a pandemic that we had hoped would have subsided by now, which is not making it easy for students or staff. We have had to be very creative and flexible while remaining diligent in our efforts to keep the safety of our students at the forefront. We want to protect our school community from the COVID-19 virus, but also want our students to have as many of the freedoms they have missed over the last year as possible.
An example of this is movement throughout the building. Students remained in their classrooms last year, leaving but once a day to get a fresh air walk, and never mixing cohorts. This year, we are trying to be a bit more flexible and not have students remain in cohorts all day long. We allow students to eat their lunches in the cafeteria and to move to all of their special area classes. Middle School students are also moving from class to class, and not cohorting as well. We are sanitizing desks and hands frequently, and no matter where the location is within the school, students always remain 6-feet apart. We have extended recess periods for all middle school students, giving all students the opportunity to eat and socialize outside with their entire grade level for 45 minutes each day – they are very happy about this.
Unfortunately, during our first full week of school, we did have a student test positive on one of our bus runs, which resulted in the quarantining of 11 students. The CDC and NYSDOH are allowing buses to be at normal capacity in order to bring all students back to in-person learning five days per week. In our case, that means we are seating two students in every seat. This works well until there is a positive student on the bus. The NYSDOH is directing us to quarantine students within a large radius around the child, which can result in quarantining 10-20 students (depending on where the child is sitting).
We understand that quarantining your child is stressful and burdensome for families, and we will support you as best as we can. If your child is under a quarantine issued by the RCDOH, they will be instructed to work remotely, with their teacher(s) guiding them each day while they are out. Please note that if your child is in middle school and has been fully vaccinated, they will not be placed in quarantine should they have an exposure on the bus or in school, as long as they are asymptomatic.
Many of you are helping to reduce the number of students on buses by driving your children to school – thank you! We appreciate your efforts and patience as we work out a drop-off and pick-up schedule that accommodates the flow of traffic but does not take time out of the instructional day. While following the COVID protocols and guidance has presented many challenges, we are committed to making safety our number one priority. At the same time, we are striving to strike a balance between safety and the academic, social and emotional well-being of our students.
According to a recent letter by NYSDOH Commissioner Howard A. Zucker, all P-12 schools will be required to “Offer screening testing for students (obtain parent or guardian consent for minors, and where otherwise required pursuant to school policy): P-12 schools are required to offer screening testing to unvaccinated students on a weekly basis in geographic areas identified by the CDC as having moderate, substantial, or high transmission rates.” Additionally, unvaccinated staff members will be required to be tested each week. See the full document here:
Our district is working closely with the Rensselaer County Department of Health to develop a surveillance COVID testing initiative as directed by the NYSDOH. The tests have been back-ordered but are expected to be here in upcoming weeks. This testing requires parent consent, so expect to see more information with permission slips coming home from Nurse Gibbs in the next day or so. To see the full interim guidance issued by the NYSDOH for the 2021-2022 school year, visit: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/09/school-guidance.pdf
We need to be reminded of the incredible strength we showed throughout last year, which carried us through 180 days of in-person learning without a building shutdown. This is an amazing accomplishment and we can and will do it again.
Thank you and please reach out should you have any questions or concerns.
Dr. Mary Yodis
Wynantskill UFSD Superintendent
Virtual Open House Week
Wynantskill UFSD will host a Virtual Open House Week for all families. Virtual Open House Week will begin on Monday, September 20 and will run through Thursday, September 23.
Meeting sessions will run 20 minutes each, and meeting start times range from 5 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
You will receive meeting links from your child(ren)’s teacher(s) on Friday, September 17.
Please review the Virtual Open House Week schedule below:
Arrival and Dismissal Times Updated for the 2021-22 School Year
Dear Families,
As we are just over six weeks away from the beginning of the 2021-22 academic year, the Wynantskill Union Free School District, along with districts statewide, is awaiting updated guidance on the reopening of schools from the State.
While we are waiting for guidance to plan for the year ahead, we would like to share with you a change that we do know will take place this year.
We will be moving to school-wide arrival and dismissal times. All students in all grades (pre-K through Grade 8) will have an arrival time of 8 a.m. and a dismissal time of 2:30 p.m.
Last year we were unable to dismiss all students at the same time because of the COVID-19 transportation guidance set forth by the State, which allowed for only a fraction of a school bus’ normal capacity to maintain social distance. Last year we also faced a lack of bus drivers and buses, forcing the district to create a second bus run at 1:45 p.m. for our middle school students. This was not optimal but done out of necessity. The district is fortunate to now have additional buses and bus drivers available for the 2021-22 academic year, maximizing our instructional time.
While we now have more buses and bus drivers available, we have yet to receive transportation guidance from the State, which should indicate the number of students we may have on a school bus at once. We would be appreciative of any families who can continue to help us with transportation for the upcoming year by driving their child(ren) to and/or from school. More information is forthcoming when guidance is received.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dr. Mary Yodis
Wynantskill UFSD Superintendent
Graduation Photos
Congratulations to our graduates!
Below, please find photo albums from both our 8th grade graduation and kindergarten graduation.
Class of 2021 Graduation Slideshow
Watch the slideshow along with families at the ceremony.