The Wynantskill UFSD will offer a remote learning model for those students who have been directed by the Rensselaer Department of Health to quarantine for a period of time or for the entire school, Pre-K-8, should school close due to spikes in COVID-19 cases in our community.
Other than a directive to quarantine or schoolwide closure, students will not have the approval to participate in remote learning during the 2021-2022 school year, however they may access assignments on their Google or SeeSaw Classroom. For remote learning support, please contact, our school counselor Amy Murphy, at 518-283-4600 ext. 4
If you have been directed by the DOH to quarantine due to COVID-19, or have questions about issues related to COVID-19, please contact our school nurse, Tricia Gibbs, at 518-283-4600 ext. 3
Returning to School in Person
For those students participating in remote learning, please contact the School Nurse, Tricia Gibbs, to provide documentation that your child is cleared to return to school.
Security and Privacy
Your child and any individual in the presence of the virtual instruction is prohibited from altering, reproducing, videotaping or audiotaping the virtual instruction, or utilizing the teacher’s or any other student’s image, likeness or voice, nor shall they publicly disseminate, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise publicize the virtual instruction on social media or any other platform.
Expectations for Students
Students participating through remote learning continue to be members of our school community and it is expected that they adhere to the same expectations as those students who are physically present in school. These expectations include:
- Students must log in to their classroom’s Google Meet and Google Classroom on time, every day according to the schedule provided. Attendance will be taken.
- Students should complete all work assigned and turn their work in as directed by their teachers. Assigned work will be graded.
- Students should be seated in a chair and/or at a table or desk if possible.
- Students should be appropriately dressed during the classroom sessions.
- Students should refrain from eating, playing with toys or games, and watching TV during the lesson times.
- Interactions with teachers and classmates should be polite at all times.
- The School Code of Conduct applies to all students, including those participating through Remote Learning.
- All District equipment, including Chromebooks, adapters, chargers, etc. must be used in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy. At any time, the District has the right to request that any equipment not being used for educational purposes be returned in working order.
The Role of the Parent/Guardian
- Provide a learning environment at home that is as free from distractions as possible.
- Make sure your child has all of the supplies that they need at their learning location (a desk or table if possible).
- Be sure your child logs in on time, every day, according to the schedule provided.
- Be supportive of your child as they strive to work remotely. Please encourage your child to remain attentive during instruction.
- Be supportive and understanding as your child’s teachers navigate providing instruction to students working remotely and those physically present in the classroom.
- Please reinforce to your child that the academic and behavioral expectations during remote learning are the same as those of students physically present in the classroom.
How will Remote Learning work?
- In order to access instruction from home, students must login with their issued Chromebook computer.
- Teachers will use Google Classroom or Seesaw to compile lesson materials and assignments for CORE content.
- Students who are participating in our remote learning plan will participate in their classroom program through live streaming, using Google Meet. Students will be expected to log into their classroom’s Google Meet live streaming as indicated by their classroom’s schedule. Please be patient if there is a delay in the lesson starting as there will be times that transition times are longer than expected.
- During Google Meet sessions, the video should be on so that the teacher can see your child, unless there is a situation that makes this impossible or difficult.
- Audio should be off unless your child needs to ask a question. This reduces background noise that may interfere with classroom instruction.