We’re here to help and guide you in any way we can.
Please click here to view the Wynantskill UFSD Communication Protocols/Chain of Command
Please call us at (518) 283-4600 for immediate assistance.

school hours
M-F: 8am – 2:30pm
25 East Ave, Troy NY 12180
Quick Contacts
Who do I contact if my student is going to be late or absent?
Kathy Fazioli in the Main Office.
Who do I contact if my student is leaving early?
Written requests must be submitted to the Main Office before the start of school.
I need to speak to the nurse about my student’s health information.
Contact school nurse Katie Mardon at (518) 283-4600 ext 3
I need to contact my student’s teacher directly.
We recommend sending an email to their individual email listed below.
Please click here to view the Wynantskill UFSD Communication Protocols/Chain of Command
Phone Directory
Department | Option |
Main Office | 0 |
Nurse's Office | 3 |
Guidance Office | 4 |
Special Education Department | 5 |
Transportation Department | 6 |
Superintendent's Office | 7 |
Business Office | 8 |
Technology Services | 9 |
Staff Directory
Teaching Area/Title | First Name | Last Name | Email Address |
Pre-Kindergarten | Sharon | Summer | ssummer@wynantskillufsd.org |
Kindergarten | Jamie | O'Brien | jobrien@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 1 | Lauren | Curran | lcurran@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 1 | Kaelyn | Madelone | kmadelone@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 2 | Gina | Mahoney | gmahoney@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 3 | Jennifer | Kelleher | jkelleher@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 3 | Timothy | Flannery | tflannery@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 4 | Kate | Hamilton | khamilton@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 4 | Kristin | Gilooly | kgilooly@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 5 | Hailey | Hansen | hhansen@wynantskillufsd.org |
Grade 5 | John | Lantz | jlantz@wynantskillufsd.org |
AIS | Karin | Carmody | kcarmody@wynantskillufsd.org |
ELA | Shawna | LeClair | sleclair@wynantskillufsd.org |
Social Studies | Matt | Lutz | mlutz@wynantskillufsd.org |
Science | Martha | Ryan | mryan@wynantskillufsd.org |
Math | Mary Therese | Bucher | mtbucher@wynantskillufsd.org |
Spanish | Pia | Biondo | pbiondo@wynantskillufsd.org |
Art | Jeanine | Mitchell | jmitchell@wynantskillufsd.org |
Library/CTE | Linda | Fecura | lfecura@wynantskillufsd.org |
Music | Marie | van Maastricht | mvanmaastricht@wynantskillufsd.org |
Physical Education | Keith | Akots | kakots@wynantskillufsd.org |
Physical Education/Athletic Coordinator | Kristen | Parker | kparker@wynantskillufsd.org |
AIS | Judith | Dutton | jdutton@wynantskillufsd.org |
AIS | Katie | Sheehan | ksheehan@wynantskillufsd.org |
AIS | Heather | Watroba | hwatroba@wynantskillufsd.org |
Special Education | Emily | Wooten | ewooten@wynantskillufsd.org |
Special Education | Nicole | Sinkins | nsinkins@wynantskillufsd.org |
Special Education | Emily | Dick | edick@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Kate | Mercado | kamercado@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Kristin | McGivern | kmcgivern@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Lynne | Denny | ldenny@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Vincent | Petitti | veptitti@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Jamie | Vooris | jvooris@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Stefanie | Ryan | sryan@wynantskillufsd.org |
Teacher's Aide | Robyn | Gillis | rgillis@wynantskillufsd.org |
Superintendent | Mary | Yodis | myodis@wynantskillufsd.org |
Principal | Shannon | Toomey | stoomey@wynantskillufsd.org |
Main Office Secretary | Kathy | Fazioli | kfazioli@wynantskillufsd.org |
School Nurse | Katie | Mardon | healthoffice@wynantskillufsd.org |
Transportation Consultant | Michael | Goyer | mgoyer@wynantskillufsd.org |
Transportation Consultant | Heather | Williams | hwilliams@wynantskillufsd.org |
Food Service Manager | Lori | Audi | laudi@wynantskillufsd.org |
School Counselor | Amy | Murphy | amurphy@wynantskillufsd.org |
Speech Pathologist | Kate | Lansing | klansing@wynantskillufsd.org |
School Psychologist/CSE Chairperson | Kimberly | Herzl-Betz | kherzlbetz@wynantskillufsd.org |
CSE Secretary | Terri | McClain | tmcclain@wynantskillufsd.org |
Head of Facilities | Rocco | Mazzarello | rmazzarello@wynantskillufsd.org |
District Treasurer | Mary Ellen | Angrisano | mangrisano@wynantskillufsd.org |
Accounts Payable/Receiver of Taxes | Denise | Fitzgerald | dfitzgerald@wynantskillufsd.org |
Communications Specialist | Kyle | Barber | kbarber@wynantskillufsd.org |
Health and Safety Specialist | Tim | LeVan | tlevan@wynantskillufsd.org |
Network Systems Engineer | Anthony | Vescio | avescio@wynantskillufsd.org |
OT | Tessa | McElligott | tmcelligott@wynantskillufsd.org |
Social Worker | Victoria | Kohan | vikohan@wynantskillufsd.org |
School Resource Officer | John | Yerry | SRO@wynantskillufsd.org |