If a student has COVID-19 symptoms during a screening at school, such as having a fever or displaying other COVID-19
symptoms, the child will be led to an isolation area while a parent is contacted to pick them up.
Parents or guardians should immediately contact their primary care provider for evaluation. If the primary care provider
determines the symptoms are not COVID-19 related, a note from the primary care provider stating the diagnosis and the
date the child is cleared to return to school must be provided to the school before the student can return. If the primary care
provider determines the symptoms are COVID-19 related, testing must be done. Students should be quarantined at home
until testing results are available. Families should also follow these steps if a student stays home from school with
COVID-19 symptoms.
In the event a child tests positive for COVID-19, parents or guardians should notify the school district as soon as possible. A
child must be in isolation for 10 days and symptom free for 72 hours before release from isolation can be considered. The
Rensselaer County Health Department will determine when the student can be released from isolation. A letter from the
department is required for the student to return to school. The district will contact the county for confirmation and to initiate
contact tracing.
If a student is placed in mandatory quarantine by the Rensselaer County Health Department, the school district will provide
remote learning options for the student while they are in quarantine.
Please contact the School Nurse at 518-283-4600.