Gardner-Dickinson Families,
In March, we shared that the New York State Education Department submitted a waiver to the United States Department of Education that would not require New York districts to administer state assessments due to circumstances surrounding the ongoing pandemic. That waiver has not been granted, so Gardner-Dickinson must move forward with its scheduled dates to administer state assessments.
This Wednesday, April 21, in-person students in grades 3-8 will be taking ELA assessments. Testing will begin at 9 a.m., and students have as much time as they need to complete the assessment. As a reminder, only the first session of the assessment will be administered this school year.
Tips for testing:
- Get a full night’s rest before testing
- Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of
- Have a relaxing night before testing
If you have any questions regarding state assessments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Suzann Cornell
Gardner-Dickinson Principal